  • Sunday, May 5, 2024

Knowledge Base

High CPU Add-On - More Information

If you're a customer or a would-be customer and you're wondering whether you need this add-on or not, you can boil it down to one question.

Are you planning on running programs that will be using a lot of CPU?

If so, it depends on how much of your CPU allotment and whether you will be using it consistently or in bursts.
According to our terms and conditions, customer’s services cannot burst to 95-100% usage for more than 5 minutes so if your service may use more than that or needs longer periods of burst then you will need this add-on.
According to our terms and conditions , customer’s services cannot average higher than 50% usage within a 2 hour period, so if your service is consistently using a large amount of CPU then you will need this add-on.

If you are still unsure whether you need the add-on or not, then please contact support.